Minus 10 kg per week on a watermelon diet

The pretty striped watermelon not only pleases us in terms of taste, it is also good for the figure. A watermelon diet will help you lose weight and get rid of toxins. Minus 10kg. for a week - a nice bonus that you can get by watching.

Watermelon for weight loss

Losing weight with a watermelon diet will help cleanse the body. The use of such a fasting diet is useful from time to time for all people who want to lose weight and "flush" the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits of berries

Watermelon is a very useful product:

  • Unlike other methods of losing weight, where there is a lack of nutrients, the diet enriches the body with the necessary potassium and vitamins C, A, PP, B.1, V2, V6th. . . Eating at least 150 grams of watermelon daily will give you your daily dose of magnesium.
  • Eating restrictions are very easy to follow, even by those who struggle to refuse. There is a feeling of satiety, and the loss of extra pounds occurs due to the excretion of fluids from the body, in addition, body fat decreases. The fruit works well for kidney disease.
  • Its pulp is rich in fiber, which is so good for the intestines that it normalizes digestion.
  • Even seeds will be beneficial, they can get rid of worms.
  • In acute and chronic liver diseases, berry juice helps remove toxins from cells.

This is one of the most dietary foods. The calorie content per 100 grams is only 38 kcal.

Watermelon is widely used to treat bladder infections because it flushes the pathogenic bacteria E-coli out of the bladder. It is recommended to include the fruits in the menu for gout. The magnesium and iron contained in the berry are effective in treating anemia, and folic acid is good for the health of atherosclerosis.

Cons of watermelon weight loss

Despite all the positive aspects, a watermelon diet can harm the body:

  • Numerous reviews claim that the technique results in a weight loss of 10 kilograms per week. However, the main disadvantage is an increased load on the urinary system. With kidney stones, complications can arise. With such a diagnosis, even a day of fasting on a watermelon should be carried out only after consulting your doctor.
  • The sugar content in the pulp is 75% (for comparison: in glucose it is 100%), so the berry should be used with caution by people with diabetes.
  • The main disadvantage of such a diet (like many other diets) is the lack of fats and proteins in the pulp that are necessary for the body.
  • Mono diets are associated with weakness and poor health. Therefore, they should only be observed for a few days, even if the results are very encouraging.

It must be remembered that the weight loss on this food system is mainly due to the diuretic properties of the product. Watermelon is 90% water.

How to choose a ripe watermelon

Choose a ripe watermelon

  1. The best times to lose weight with berries are August and September. This is the time when the fruit is most ripe and delicious.
  2. Pay attention to where the watermelon is being sold. When buying from the market, keep the tray in an elevated position. Lying on the ground, without litter and even near the road, the fruits have already absorbed negative substances from the atmosphere.
  3. Turn the berry and carefully examine it from all sides. The surface should not have any scratches, cracks (even small ones), punctures or dents. The color of a ripe watermelon is even and light. The crust of an unripe fruit can easily be pierced with a fingernail and when rubbed it smells strongly of cut grass.
  4. Look for a light yellow stain on the skin. It occurs at the point of contact of the growing fruit with the soil. If the hue of the stain is light or uneven, you are dealing with an immature product.
  5. Not many people know that you can find a ripe watermelon on the tail. A useful berry is dry and easy to break, and an unripe berry is either completely absent (cut off by unscrupulous sellers) or soft.
  6. If you knock on a ripe fruit, the sound comes back clear and distinct, which cannot be said of an unripe or already overripe watermelon.
  7. Look for a fruit that has a flattened underside and is indicated by a large brown circle. This is a girl ". They are believed to be sweeter and tastier. But the male berry has a convex bottom and a small brown spot.
  8. And of course always ask for quality certificates when buying. For ripe, properly grown watermelons, the paper indicates the place of planting and collection, the date of harvest and the composition of the vitamins.

A ripe cut of fruit should be moderately light, without annoying shades and light veins. Remember that the pulp of a ripe fruit is rough, not smooth. To protect yourself and your household 100%, try not to eat the watermelon to the crust, as the adjacent tissues contain all the nitrates.

Forms of nutrition

There are several types of diets. You need to choose them based on the number of excess kilograms:

  • Tough watermelon program. We do not observe it for more than 7 days. No special preparation is required before starting. The main food is only watermelon and water, the consumption of other products is strictly prohibited. According to women's reviews, once a day you can afford to eat crackers or bread with bran (no more than 200 g) if it is very heavy. Exiting this type of diet should be taken seriously. The introduction of food into the diet should be gradual. For the first few days we eat fermented milk products, then we introduce vegetable purees, and then porridge.
  • The easy way to lose weight takes 10 days. We use the pulp 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. In addition to watermelon, the menu also includes muesli, vegetables and fruit. If you follow such a diet, then, according to reviews, in 10 days you will say goodbye to 5 kilograms. To consolidate the results, let's finish the process correctly. We prefer fermented milk products, cereals, fish.
  • Free unloading view. This diet is less effective because watermelon is only used once a day in the morning. Such a program guarantees a weight loss of 2-4 kilograms in 14 days. However, numerous reviews from people who lose weight after such a system indicate that the results are more permanent than if strict restrictions are followed.

For example, consider the menu for 1 day for the final weight loss method:

breakfast Cellulose (approx. 0. 5 kg. )
Having lunch Tea with 1 teaspoon of honey
Dinner Baked vegetables or vegetable soup
Afternoon snack 1 apple
Dinner Oatmeal with apples

Following such a diet only once a year will help keep you in shape for the rest of the time.

Watermelon pulp for weight loss

Mixed options

Mixed diets have received huge popularity and many positive reviews. They are based on alternating consumption of watermelon and approved foods. Here are some of them:

  • Bread and watermelon. According to reviews, this is the easiest diet of all. It's not difficult to resist because hunger pangs are not often tortured. The basis of the technology is therefore black bread and watermelon. In one day you can eat 2 slices of flour, dried in a pan or in a toaster, and actually one sugar fruit (1 kg of watermelon per 10 kg of weight). The drinking ration consists of pure water, up to 1. 5 liters, and unsweetened tea. It is also allowed to add 1 piece of bread or an apple to the menu, but this is the last resort. The process will take no more than 10 days and it will inspire you to get rid of 8 kg.
  • Watermelon Buckwheat. This type of diet is calculated for 7 days. This will allow you to lose about 4 kg. The daily diet includes both berries and buckwheat, lean meat and vegetable salad.
  • Watermelon and kefir. This is a relief diet for the body, which includes alternating pulp and 200 ml. Kefir every 3 hours. Such a diet cleanses the intestines, strengthens the immune system and improves kidney function. The result is minus 3 kg. Obesity. However, you cannot "sit" on such a discharge program for more than 3 days.
  • Cucumber and watermelon. This is a very interesting diet because it combines 2 similar foods. Cucumber and watermelon are 90% water and are rich in nutrients. The result of using this method of losing weight for 14 days is clean skin and normalization of digestion. You are only allowed to eat 1 kg per day for 2 weeks. Cucumbers and 1 kg. Cellulose. You need to drink a lot. According to reviews, the program is the most fertile, in 2 weeks you can lose up to 15 kg.
  • Apple and watermelon. Another common form of nutrition. The quintessence is the alternation of watermelon and apple days. You should start with berries. The volume is determined in 1 kg. Watermelon 10kg. Weight and not more than 1, 5 kg. Apples per day. The diet is allowed no more than 10 days. This is a categorical rule, otherwise there is a great risk of harmful consequences for the body. The result is a weight reduction of 7 kg.
  • Watermelon and rice. An unusual product combination has a very positive effect. Weight goes away quickly with such a diet, but you need to follow some rules. First the proportions - a watermelon is calculated in 1 kg. Pulp for 20 kg. Weight loss; Rice - up to 250 g per day. Second, the type of grain - choose brown, steamed, or wild. Ordinary polished white won't work as it doesn't contain the necessary vitamins. Third, a food kit - limit your menu to rice and watermelon. In extreme cases, with severe attacks of hunger and weakness, berries and slightly low-fat cottage cheese may be added. You can stick to this diet for 3 to 5 days.

This type of weight loss can meet all expectations. But the main thing is to remember that the most important thing is to get off the diet. It takes up to 10 days. And only the right completion consolidates the result.

Unloading days

For those who do not want to limit themselves to eating for a long time and are somewhat afraid of mono-diets, a day of fasting that "takes away" 1 kg is suitable. Overweight. There are several ways to observe this method:

  1. You can consume around 1. 5 kg per day. Watermelon pulp. We divide the total amount into 5-6 receptions. You just need to drink pure water or tea without sugar.
  2. The second option is based on the prohibition of all liquids. During the day, you can eat berries only in the amount of 1 kg. Pulp for 10 kg. Load.
  3. The third option is about 2 kg. Pulp and 2 pieces of bran bread per day.
  4. The fourth variety will really appeal to melon lovers. On these days you can eat 1 kg. Watermelon and about 0, 5 kg. Melons.
How much watermelon to use for weight loss


A day of fast on a striped berry, like a diet, has contraindications:

  • decreased immunity after illness;
  • high blood sugar;
  • a tendency to edema;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Stones in the kidneys.

Often those who are losing weight ask whether it is possible to include a watermelon in the menu of different methods. We answer: Protein, Keto, Maggi and the Ducan system are allowed to eat berries, but in moderation.

Is it possible for the night

Many people choose this particular slimming product. Still, because not only is it rich in antioxidants, but it is also good at removing excess fluids, toxins and toxins. Watermelon on a diet is also not a bad option, as it prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors, slows down the aging of the body, and improves the condition of hair and nails.

There are no specific rules for choosing the time of day to consume a sweet fruit. At night, of course, it can be consumed in moderation. Some nutritionists believe that the evening is the right time to have a watermelon meal, because at night the body and especially the excretory system are renewed.

The opinions of those who have lost weight

Reviews of those who are losing weight vary widely. Some women can tolerate this type of weight loss without feeling hungry, others find it difficult. There are cases when the body reacts to the berry with gas and gas. Those who only ate porridge during the fasting days experienced a breakdown.

Show patience and willpower, you will love watermelon weight loss system! Minus 10kg. in a week - the maximum relief effect of a difficult, even strenuous struggle with excess weight and yourself.